Inclusion: Deliberately include all voices in the community to ensure that each person is seen, heard, and acknowledged. Our action steps are to:
Encourage continual learning by offering community-wide DEIJB educational events.
Open up the Environmental Learning Center to members of the community and partner with relevant community groups and organizations to foster learning environments and find meaningful partnerships.
Work in partnership with indigenous groups to develop meaningful land acknowledgement and programming.
Equity: Continue to affirm equity, with anti-racist and anti-bias training for our board, committees, faculty, staff, and school families. Incorporate what we learn across FSW to promote belonging in our ideas, language, and relationships, as well as in the policies, practices, procedures, and curriculum. Our action steps are to:
Continue to conduct Staff and Board training around DEIJB issues and open up educational opportunities to the community, when possible.
Communicate existing reporting mechanism / response process for families, students, and staff to report and respond to conflict and add DEIJB language that reflects the community's commitment to intercultural understanding and diversity.
Continue to evaluate FSW employee retention.
Diversity: Embrace and increase diversity within our board, committees, faculty, staff, and students to reflect the demographics of the broader community in which we live. Our action steps are to:
Continue to develop and sustain affirmative recruitment, hiring, and retention processes to meet community-wide goals for culturally competent administrators, faculty, staff and families.
Develop recruitment strategy to include recruitment from HBCUs, community colleges, BIPOC-led community organizations with the goal of faculty and staff to reflect the city in which we serve.
Allow the Head of School and business office to allocate additional funds when necessary to recruit and compensate candidates from historically marginalized communities to meet the competitive market.
Justice: The DEIJB Council is charged with taking positive action to hold ourselves accountable to promote fairness, so that all members of the community may experience belonging. Our action steps are to:
Revise FSW’s Diversity Mission Statement
Continue to grow the DEIJB Council, consisting of members from the FSW community and from the broader New Hanover County community, willing to listen and understand what constitutes racism, bias, and favoritism.
Create periodic feedback mechanisms for community members.